Residential Living Association

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Residential Living Association is three-fold:

  1. To establish a Council of residents as defined in the By-Laws
  2. To provide a forum in which residents have opportunity to ask questions, make suggestions and requests, and present concerns pertaining to residing in the community of Luther Ridge
  3. Allow for communication from the Community to the Luther Ridge Administration via the conduit of the Residential Living Council


The Village at Luther Ridge Residential Living Association By-Laws
Residential Living Association of The Village at Luther Ridge, hereafter called “Luther Ridge.”


All residents of Luther Ridge residing in townhouses, villas and individual cottages as defined by the SpiriTrust Lutheran term “Residential Living Residents.”


  1. Establish a Council of residents, as defined in Article VII.
  2. Provide an opportunity for residents to ask questions, make requests/suggestions and present concerns for consideration, including, but not limited to social, educational and recreational activities.
  3. Present valid concerns/suggestions to Luther Ridge administration via the Council.


  1. Association meetings will be held quarterly after the Town Meeting in February, May, August and November. The date and time of the meeting may be changed by appropriate action of the Residents’ Council with proper notification of the membership.
  2. Residents’ Council will meet monthly, normally the 3rd Thursday, but at least one week prior to the Association meeting. A quorum of four members must be present to conduct business.
  3. Special meetings of the Residents’ Council and/or Residents’ Association may be scheduled as necessary.
  4. Association meetings shall begin with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Officers and Representatives

  1. The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, and Secretary, and they shall serve the Association and the Residents’ Council.
  2. The President or designee will serve as an ex-officio member of the Chambersburg Center Committee of SpiriTrust Lutheran.
  3. The President will conduct the meetings of the Association and the Residents’ Council.
  4. The Vice-President will conduct meetings in the absence of the President.
  5. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, a designated member of the Residents’ Council shall preside at a meeting of the Association.
  6. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping a written record of all meetings. Copies of all Association meeting records will be distributed to all members and a copy shall be filed in the “minutes file” stored in the library.
  7. There shall be four (4) Representatives elected at-large. These Representatives shall be the contact for resident concerns.
  8. The term of office for the three Officers shall be one year, and may be reelected two times. The term for the Representatives shall be two years and they may be re-elected one time for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. If no Association Member agrees to be nominated for an open elective position on the Council, as an Officer or At-Large Representative, the President, with the approval of the majority of the Council, may appoint a resident to assume the open position for the duration of the term of office of that position.  The terms of the Representatives shall be staggered so that one-half of the Representatives shall be elected each year.


  1. Elections will take place in May. By March 15, the President will appoint a committee to nominate at least one consenting resident for each Office and Representative position.  The committee will complete its nomination process by no later than the Residents’ Council meeting in April for placement on the agenda for the May Association meeting.
  2. Nominations of other consenting residents may be made from the floor at the May meeting, when the election of Officers will be held. Election will be by majority of those present.
  3. Officers and Representatives will be installed at the May Association Meeting, assuming duties immediately.
  4. Should any elected officer or representative be unable to complete his or her term of office, the presiding officer, with the approval of the Council, will appoint one consenting member to fill the unexpired term of office. The interim officer elected will assume their duties immediately.

Residents’ Council

  1. The officers of the Association, together with such representatives as may be elected will constitute a Residents’ Council. The Residents’ Council will be elected by vote of the Association and derive its power from the Association.
  2. Any resident may attend Residents’ Council meetings in a non-voting capacity.
  3. The functions of the Residents’ Council shall be:
    1. To improve, but not limit, communication among residents, and between residents and administration.
    2. To suggest improvements/changes in policies or procedures.
    3. To help coordinate activities.
    4. To represent the interests of the members, individually and collectively, in matters of concern to the community.
    5. To arrange for officers of the Council or their designees to meet as necessary with the Executive Director or the Director’s nominee.
    6. To maintain a “suggestions box” in the Fleck Center for use by residents.
    7. To lend support to committees.
    8. To encourage participation in the Council of Independent Living Associations (CILA) and the Pennsylvania Alliance of Retirement Community Residents (PARCR).


  1. These By-Laws may be amended by giving the residents one week’s notice of the proposed amendment prior to any regular meeting of the Residents’ Association.
  2. Approval of amendments will be by majority vote of those present at the Association meeting or by authorized ballot.
  3. An annual review of the By-Laws will be carried out by the Residents’ Council.


Town Hall Meetings
Town Hall Meetings are held monthly to meet and discuss matters of group interest. Also, special presentations are conducted by appropriate team members or outside knowledgeable presenters from time to time. All residents of the village are encouraged to attend.

Check monthly calendar for dates/times

Resident Council
The Residential Living Council is advisory in nature and is elected by fellow residents. The council meets monthly with the Executive Director. This council affords the residents an opportunity to make suggestions to enhance resident and management communications.

Once a month
Location and time TBD

Marketing Committee
The best way to promote a community is by guests interacting with happy residents! The Marketing Committee members take pride in sharing their move-in experiences and sharing their knowledge with others. The Marketing Committee promotes the community by participating in marketing events, interacting with visitors and offering input at meetings on how the community can best be promoted to encourage cottage sales.

Second Tuesday of every month
9:30 a.m.
Welcome Center

Life Enrichment Committee
Residents with a desire to support the community life at The Village at Luther Ridge are encouraged to join the Life Enrichment Committee. Members share programming ideas for the monthly calendar. All residents are welcome to join. For more information or to join this committee, contact Tiffany Dawson, residential living Life Enrichment leader, at 717.267.1665 or [email protected].
Once a month
Location and time TBD

Luther Ridge Players Association
The Luther Ridge Players Association stages performances for the enjoyment of The Village at Luther Ridge residents that feature theatrical readings of poems or stories, musical skits or comedic sketches. The troupe is composed of residents and a resident does not need to have any prior theatrical background to become a member. Residents can join by contacting Pat Fairbairn, resident and artistic director, or Joy Shinn, resident and assistant artistic director.
The Players stage three shows a year including a special Christmas presentation.

Good Neighbor
The Good Neighbor group welcomes new residents to the community and visits with residents upon returning from the hospital. For more information or to join, contact Tiffany Dawson, residential living Life Enrichment leader, at 717.267.1665 or [email protected].

Council Members


  • Joy Shinn

Vice President

  • Ron Statler


  • Pat Fairbairn

Members at large:

  • Jean Schlecht
  • Diane Munk
  • Jeannie Madden
  • Bob Windemuth
  • Grace Yoder
  • Peg Herbert
  • Mary Louise Lucas

Schedule of Meetings

The Residential Living Association meets at the Fleck Center every 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m. and conducts business over the course of an hour.