Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be:
- To provide an avenue through which the members may meet at specified times to discuss matters of group interest and to establish a channel through which common needs may be submitted to the administration personnel of the Village.
- To offer social, educational and cultural opportunities to its members.
The Residential Living Residents of The Village at Kelly Drive By-Laws
1.1 The name of this organization is The Residential Living Association of The Village at Kelly Drive.
2.1 The purpose of this organization shall be to provide an avenue through which the members may meet at specified times to discuss matters of group interest and to establish a channel through which common needs may be submitted to the administration personnel of the Village.
2.2 This organization shall offer social, educational and cultural opportunities to its members.
3.1 All residential cottagers and apartment dwellers are automatically members.
4.1 Officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary.
Term of Office
Officers shall be elected for a term of two years (2). All officers shall be eligible for re-election for additional terms.
5.2a The President shall name a nominating committee at the August meeting, which shall present its report of at least one nominee for each office at the October meeting and voting will take place.
5.2b Installation of duly elected officers will be at the December meeting.
Duties of Officers
6.1 The President shall preside at all meetings of this organization and of the Executive Committee and shall appoint other committees as may be required.
6.2 The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President should the President be unable to serve.
6.3 The Recording Secretary shall take minutes at all meetings and shall retain a permanent record of these minutes, passing this record to his or her successor.
6.4 The Corresponding Secretary shall assist the Recording Secretary and handle all correspondence.
6.5 The Treasurer shall receive all monies and disburse them as authorized. A treasurer’s report shall be prepared for each regular meeting. The Treasurer’s report shall be audited every two years (2).
Executive Committee
7.1 There shall be an Executive Committee made up of all officers and the immediate Past President.
7.2 Executive Committee meetings can be called by the President.
8.1 Regular meetings of this organization shall be held every month on the first Monday at 2:00 pm unless changed by the Executive Committee.
Special Meetings
9.1 Special meetings shall be called by the President and/or Executive Committee providing adequate notification is furnished to all members.
9.2 Five members may present a petition to the Executive Board for a special meeting. The President shall then call a special meeting as per Article 9.1.
10.1 The Administrative Staff of Kelly Drive shall be aware of all regular and special meetings and may be present personally or name a designee as his or her representative.
10.2 The President of this Association shall meet with the Director of Kelly Drive at least once a month to discuss the well-being of residents.
11.1 These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Residential Living Residents upon a two-third vote of those present provided the request for the amendment has been given in writing to each member at least thirty days in advance.
Building and Grounds Committee
The Building and Grounds Committee discusses building and grounds issues and looks for solutions as well as discusses current and upcoming projects. The committee meets quarterly with Clarence Brenneman, director of Facilities. Contact Clarence Brenneman at [email protected] or 717.848.2585, ext. 11336 for more information.
Dining Committee
Contact Colt Rauhauser at [email protected] or 717.848.2585, ext. 11338.
Social Committee
Contact Lauren Eriksen at [email protected] or 717.848.2585, ext. 11305.
Welcoming Committee
Members of the Welcoming Committee visit new residents with housewarming gifts to welcome them to The Village at Kelly Drive. Contact Jan Schellhase, resident, for more information.
Worship Committee
Contact Aaron Cope at [email protected] or 717.848.2585, ext. 11345.
- David Glenn
Vice President
- Cliff Billet
Corresponding Secretary
- Fran Keller
Recording Secretary
- Myrtle McCleary
- Bob Reed