Residential Living Association

Statement of Purpose

  • The Association shall serve to represent the residents of the cottages and apartments in matters related to The Village at Utz Terrace.
  • The Residential Living Association shall serve as a means by which dialogue shall be maintained between the residents of the cottages and apartments and administration.
  • The Residential Living Association shall serve as a support group for its members as needed.


The Village at Utz Terrace By-Laws of the Residential Living Association

November 8, 2016

Article I

The name of the organization shall be the Residential Living Association of the The Village At Utz Terrace.

Article II

  1. The Association shall serve to represent the residents of the cottages and apartments in matters related to The Village at Utz Terrace.
  2. The Residential Living Association shall serve as a means by which dialogue shall be maintained between the residents of the cottages and apartments and administration.
  3. The Residential Living Association shall serve as a support group for its members as needed.

Article III

The Residential Living Association shall be comprised of all residents of the cottages and apartments of The Village at Utz Terrace.

Article IV

  1. The Residential Living Association shall elect according to the by-laws a seven (7) member council which shall serve as a working arm of the Residential Living Association and shall derive any and all of it powers from the Residential Living Association at-large.
  2. The Association shall elect annually enough new members to the Council to bring the total to seven. Representation from both cottages and apartments with a minimum of two (2) from apartments.
  3. Each representative to the council shall be elected for a three (3) year term.
  4. When initially establishing a Council, members shall be elected to a one (1), two (2), or three (3) year term by straw vote.
  5. Members of the Council may not succeed themselves if they have served a full three-year term. A member may be elected to the Council after he or she has been off the Council for at least one year.

Article V
Elections, Duties and Responsibilities of the Residential Living Association Council

  1. In November of each year the Residential Living Association shall annually elect members to the Council as called for in Article IV.
  2. Names and addresses of the nominees will be presented by the nominating committee and shall be published in the Village Connection before the election.
  3. Nominations for vacancies on the Council may be made by anyone in independent living. Consent must be received from the person being nominated prior to the time the nomination is made.
  4. The election shall be held by the end of November.
    a. Voting shall be by written ballot
    b. Absentee ballots will be available from the Administrative Assistant. Ballots must be returned to the Administrative Assistant by noon on Election Day.
  5. The Council shall meet at a regularly scheduled time each month. This time may be changed unless objected to by a quorum.
  6. Newly elected persons shall take office at the first council meeting of each calendar year.
  7. The Council shall elect two (2) representatives to the Spiritrust Lutheran Residential Living Council.
  8. A majority of the elected members of the Council shall comprise a quorum.
  9. The regular monthly meetings of the Council shall include: Council members, committee chairpersons and the Executive Director.
  10. Special meetings of the council may be called after each member of the Council has been given at least 24 hours notice of the special meeting and the reason for the meeting stated at the time notice is given.

Article VI

  1. Any vacancy which occurs on the Residential Living Association Council shall be filled by appointment of the Council at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting.
  2. Vacancies filled by appointment shall serve the balance of the term.

Article VII

  1. Committees shall be appointed by the Residential Living Association Council as deemed necessary.
  2. There shall be at least the following committees:
    a. Social and Recreation: To plan and promote social and recreation programs for the residents.
    b. Food Committee: To review menu, events held in the restaurant, etc. and to advise recommended changes in the restaurant.
    c. Hospitality and Information: To institute an early visit to new residents to make them feel at home and to orient them to the campus and the Resident Handbook.
    d. Building & Grounds Committee: To make recommendations for beautification of the community.

Article VIII
Association Meetings

Special meetings of the Association may be called by the Council with at least seven (7) days written notice given to every member.

Article IX

These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Residential Living Council upon a majority vote of those present as long as the request for the amendment has been given in writing to each member at least thirty (30) days in advance.


Residential Living

Resident Council
The Resident Council is made up of residents who are voted into the position. The council represents independent living residents and their concerns.

2nd Tuesday of the month
10:30 am

Garden Group
Residents are sent a memo asking if they are interested in a garden plot at The Village at Utz Terrace. The group meets at the beginning of the season and anyone who has a garden plot is welcome to join. Contact Teresa Plank, administrative assistant, at 717.646.2400 for more information or to join.

Food Committee
Residents receive a letter in November about open positions on the Food Committee. Residents who express interest in the committee are selected at random. The group helps dining with ideas and suggestions to move the program forward. Contact Jama Wert, dining manager, Nutrition Management Services, at 717.646.2439 for more information.

Last Wednesday of the month
Time & Location announced to members

Residential Living Life Enrichment Committee
The Life Enrichment Committee meets quarterly and helps in planning the residential living activities for the years as well as critiques current activities. This committee is ongoing and is open to any residential living resident.

Library Committee
The Library Committee meets as needed. Members filter the library books coming into the library, sort the books and weed out slow movers. The committee provides monthly lists of new arrivals for the community newsletter. This committee is ongoing. The Life Enrichment Leader acts as support system for this standalone group.

Personal Care

Resident Council Meeting
Committee meetings are listed on the calendar and the Life Enrichment Director gives verbal invites/announcements.

Food Committee Meeting
Committee meetings are listed on the calendar and the Life Enrichment Director gives verbal invites/announcements.

Skilled Care & Rehabilitation

Resident Council Meeting
The Resident Council meeting is open to all skilled care residents. This meeting allows residents to have input, feedback and discussion about perceptions, concerns and praises about daily life in The Village at Utz Terrace Skilled Care Center. It also provides team members the opportunity to communicate and educate residents about information, changes and upcoming events.

First Thursday of every month

Food Committee Meeting
The Food Committee meeting is open to all residents in skilled care. Residents can voice concerns and suggestions for menus and dining experiences. Additionally, dining services is able to communicate messages of interests including holiday menus, nutrition information, upcoming events and changes in dining services.

First Thursday of every month

Council Members

Council Members

  • Bill Crosson
  • Stew Ells
  • Harold Lau
  • Lois Phipps
  • Gail Riley
  • Byrdie Ricketts
  • Joyce Vickery

Schedule of Meetings

Residential Living

The Residential Living Association meets the second Tuesday of every month at 10:30 a.m. in the Great Room.

Personal Care

Resident Council meetings are informative meetings of the latest community news. All department managers and/or a department representative attend the meeting to update the residents on current department news. Residents are welcome to voice their joys, comments, concerns and ask questions of the department managers.

Please contact the following personnel, if you have questions regarding Resident Council meetings:

Kris Martin
Personal Care Life Enrichment Leader
[email protected]
717.646.2431, ext. 60030